Why Tires Matters

When it comes to vehicles, many things can set each one apart, but tires are one thing they all have in common. No matter what car you drive, having the right tire for your vehicle is extremely important. Having the right tire for your car means having the appropriate set of tires based on the season, i.e., winter tires, summer tires, or even all-season tires if you live in an area where the weather is relatively mild. 

Getting new tires isn’t just about going to the store and picking the right tire size; it’s also about matching ones to your vehicle and lifestyle. For example, if you drive a sedan, the tires you need will be much different than if you drive a big pickup truck and go off-road lots. If you don’t consider yourself a big car person, you probably don’t know why car tires are so important, so we’re here to share with you why tires matter so much.


Before placing your tires into tire storage, note the position of each tire on your vehicle and mark with lettering. At the same time as you do this, check for any damage or wear and tear and be sure to fix any punctures before packing them away.

Fuel Saving

Believe it or not, the condition of your tires contributes to the efficiency of your vehicle. If your tires are worn down and at the end of their tread life, inconsistent tread happens, which causes your vehicle to work harder. The fuel efficiency drops when your vehicle, whether a sports car, SUV, or truck, has to work harder.


It doesn‘t matter if you drive a new or used car; we all want amazing performance from our vehicles, and tires are one of the main contributors to making that happen. To maximize the performance, ensure you have the right tire type with an appropriate tread pattern. Having your vehicle perform well isn’t just about cornering smoothly in the summer; it’s also about performing well, even with snow tires. If your tire‘s tread wear is low, the tires can cause pulling and vibrating, taking away from how your car handles.


Traction is incredibly important for all of the above reasons. Without good traction, you have no control over the road. Your tire traction is what passes water and snow through, so your car stays on the road. Without proper traction, your tires will spin on the wet surface.

If you feel your tires aren’t in the best shape and want to look at getting a new one and see what tire manufacturers make the ideal tire for your vehicle, contact us at Tread Nation, where one of our experts will be able to assist you.